Swanscombe rally proves a win-win for a special place
More than 100 people joined the rally on 2 October 2021 calling for the protection of the wildlife-rich Swanscombe peninsula.
Kent’s best-kept conservation secret – the Swanscombe peninsula – is under threat from the development of London Resort theme park.
CPRE Kent is one of an alliance of organisations fighting to stop this destructive scheme coming to pass – and on October 2 we held a rally calling for this special wildlife site to be protected.
The event went better than anyone could have hoped for, especially given a grim weather forecast, although happily the storm didn’t really get going until later in the day.
The walk around this fantastic site was interspersed with short talks, while there was a strong local-media presence.
The cooperation between conservation groups – notably Buglife, Save Swanscombe Peninsula SSSI, Kent Wildlife Trust, the RSPB and CPRE Kent – was particularly impressive and augurs well for the campaign ahead.