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Who we are

A child's feet wearing red wellies
Bill Waters

We are CPRE, the countryside charity. We want a thriving, beautiful countryside for everyone.

About CPRE, the countryside charity

We’re working for a countryside that’s rich in nature, accessible to everyone and playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency.

With a local CPRE group in every county, we’re advocating nationwide for the kind of countryside we all aspire to: one with sustainable, healthy communities and available to more people than ever, including those who haven’t benefited before. We stand for a countryside that enriches all of our lives, nourishing our wellbeing, and that we in turn nourish, protect and celebrate.

We’ve worked for almost a century to support and promote the countryside, and we’ll be doing this for generations to come. That’s why we call ourselves ‘the countryside charity’.


The Kent branch of CPRE is a registered charity in its own right and has groups of volunteers in each district as well as specialist groups covering issues such as transport problems and historic buildings.

  • Patron: Sir Robert Worcester KBE DL
  • President: Jonathan Tennant
  • Vice-Presidents
  • Amanda Cottrell OBE DL
  • Rt Hon Damian Green
  • Richard King
  • Richard Knox-Johnston
  • Trustees
  • Chairman: Ben Moorhead DL
  • Treasurer: Mike Moore
  • Peter Lorenzo
  • Nigel Britten
  • Julian Glenister
  • Val Loseby
  • Christine Drury
  • Paul Buckley
  • Graham Horner

The branch office has five members of staff:

  • Dr Hilary Newport (Director)
  • Richard Thompson (Planner)
  • Julie Davies (Planner)
  • Vicky Ellis (General Manager)
  • David Mairs (Communications and PR Manager)