It’s time for Star Count 2023!
Note the dates: from February 17-24, CPRE’s annual citizen science project is back
Star Count 2023 is coming! Between from February 17-24, CPRE’s annual citizen science project returns. Last year, thousands took part and counted the stars in their night sky. So save the date and help celebrate our dark skies.
What is Star Count?
We think that dark and starry skies are a special part of enjoying our countryside. Nothing beats looking upwards to see velvety blackness, with twinkling constellations as far as the eye can see.
Our buildings and roads emit light, though, and this can affect our view of truly dark skies and cause problems for wildlife. We want to make sure that we can all enjoy starlit nights, and we need your help in measuring what effect light is having on our views of the galaxy.
The best way to see how many stars we can all see in the sky is… to count them! Every year, around February, we ask people from across the country to become ‘citizen scientists’ and look heavenwards for one night.
Over the years, many thousands of you have submitted your count, which our experts then analyse and compare with previous years. We then publish our findings on the website, and email those who took part.
- To sign up for Star Count 2023, click here
Our work on dark skies
Starry skies are one of the most magical sights the countryside can offer. Light pollution not only limits our views of these skies, but also disrupts wildlife’s natural patterns. Learn more here about our work to rewild our skies.