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What future for Kent’s windmills in county council proposals?


Concerns over proposals to dispose of eight buildings across Kent

CPRE Kent is concerned to learn about county council proposals to dispose of the eight windmills in its ownership.

The plan, which entails a public consultation on changing Kent County Council’s heritage conservation strategy, is explained in the attached paper, which was narrowly approved by the environment and transport cabinet committee on Wednesday last week (November 15).

Our immediate worry is that no potential acquirer of any of the windmills, with the resources needed to maintain them, has been identified, or apparently even sought.

We fear for the future of the mills as valuable heritage and community assets, all of which offer some public access. CPRE Kent’s historic buildings committee should be able to comment further once the ideas of volunteer groups and parish councils have become clearer.

Herne Mill is one of the eight buildings under review (pic Kent County Council)