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Lower Thames Crossing: examination hearings close

David Mairs
By David Mairs
8th January 2024

CPRE Kent has taken an active role in the lengthy planning process

The examination hearings for the Lower Thames Crossing ended on Wednesday, December 20, CPRE Kent having taken an active role at the issue-specific hearings, along with responding to the various written questions.

It is CPRE Kent’s overarching view that the adverse environmental and financial impacts of the proposed project outweigh any of its purported benefits.

Originally promoted as a solution to the congestion and air pollution at the Dartford Crossing, it is now clear that the LTC’s principal function is to ‘open up’ north Kent and south Essex for even greater levels of development.

The construction of the UK’s biggest road project since the M25 was completed is contrary to the government’s stated climate pledges, while its £9 billion (and rising) costs do not sit comfortably with the rest of the commitments facing the government’s budget. We can’t keep building roads to ease congestion.

  • To read more about the Lower Thames Crossing, click here
  • To read CPRE Kent’s view on the proposals, click here


The proposed southern approach to the crossing